Monday, January 09, 2006


Hi guys - just a quick check in to say today was a 'very clear' day for me... - I guess what I mean by that is for the first time in ages I felt really 'at peace' with myself...does that sound silly? The weather was really warm - and still - kinda like a storm was brewing - and for the first time in ages everything felt very 'zen'. Today I was able to do a lot of reflecting and set some great goals for this year (and beyond) which I feel really positive about. My nutrition has been good - I need to stop picking at little things (nuts being number one) as they all add up!! Another great thing today was a gorgeous old lady came into work and we got chatting about the town and she told me a local 'secret' that there is organic produce here! Apparently there is an elderly couple who grow organic vegies and sell them to locals! I was so excited! She is giving me the contact details tomorrow - funny how the world works - obviously I was putting out enough vibes about this subject that it finally came my way!! cool!! Now I just have to think about winning Lotto all day!! LOL!

Gee - if only all days were like this - all I need is a japanese garden - sooooo ZEN!!


Kaddy said...

How AWEOSME! yay, isn't karma a funny thing?! Cool, well i'm glad i got to read this as we were so busy talking aobut me *blush* feel bad - i wanted to know how your day went! I'm glad it was a great day...peacfulness is a beautiful thing. Not at work tomorrow, may blog after weights though. Take care.

will catch u soon


Bella said...

You didnt have time to ask as I had to get off the phone before the check out lady threw my tinned tomatoes at me!!

Bella said...

...which would have COMPLETELY RUINED my Zen day!! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Finding inner peace and recognising it for what it is is the most beutiful place to be in the world! *smiles*

You need to remember this day and feeling so that next time you face a challenge you can recall this information to help you get through.

Like I've mentioned in my blog, life's all about balance. That's why I got yin yang tattood on my body.

May you be blessed with many more days like this.


RaeC said...

Hey Bella,

I saw your comment re the banner on Nicole E's blog and like I said to her...

"Do you have a picture already you want in your banner and an idea of how you want it to look? If so, I can do up some instructions for you. If you don't, you can email me some pics along with any ideas on the setup and I'll see what I can do :)"

Love Rae xxx