Monday, January 16, 2006

Huff & Puff...Puffy...

Ok - just a quick post to say I feel like Mr. Marshmallow (refer to pic above - thats me going grocery shopping....) I am all puffy!! Ok, so my fake tan has washed off which doesnt help but I feel pretty blah...BUT....I am trying not to think about it as I know my nutrition has been good today and my training has been strong - thinking it may be the effects of a chocolate indulgence a few days ago...combined with a bit of the ol' PMS - on a positive note - Im as sweet as it gets!! LOL!


Jaykay said...

Hey Bella

I always find that I huff and puff when I'm a bit down and depressed or I'm very tired. Hubby always notices it and trys to help me get out what's bothering me..normally works too.

Have a great day...and thanks for dropping by.

RaeC said...

Quick... go get another tan!! Always makes me feel like I look better when I'm a bit golden, otherwise I look anaemic!! Was working out with Coach the other day and said I had to get a tan because my legs looked like I was wearing those white pantyhose... good look... NOT!!

Awesome to hear that your nutrition is ontrack today... tomorrow you will feel all lean again. It seems to happen overnight!!

Love Rae x