Friday, January 13, 2006

Stoke that fire...

Ohhh, i'm so excited!!! After a few weeks of feeling a little bit lost, kinda just floating feeling neither good nor bad just you know blah.... i was racking my brain to figure out where all my drive had gone. I was like... "i know i love to feel good, i know i love to work out, so why am i not inspired to do either"??

After a bit of soul searching and a long phone call with Bella (telstra will be LOVING us!!) i fiinally figured it out! My goal was boring! It didn't excite me!! I was like, oh, just lose a few kilos and maintain it... my new goal... get ripped and have noticable abs for my very first boat trip out Whale SHarking this year so i can stand on the back deck feeling better than i've ever felt in my whole life... knowing that i would just spin the hell out of our boat boys gets me revved up in a way i never thought possible!!!! Yes, for this goal i can forgo alcohol, bad food and chocolate cake, for this goal i can get out of bed at 5 am to do WHATEVER IT TAKES ...

NB... just got off phone with my trainer.........he says i can do it!!! YAYAYAYAAYAYAYAAYAYA and admittadley sounded like he had a bit of faith restored in me lol.... i could've easily nicknamed myself sleepy for the passed few weeks!! ok, amped to get ripped woohooo i wanna loookkk hot hot hot.... *sing*dedededededede ole ole, ole ole, ole ole ole ole ole ole...HOT HOT HOT.......

ROFLMAO - all this energy!! too scary....


Sekhmet said...


You're so right - goals need to get you revved up and they need to be SPECIFIC! That's why I've set specific times and races to keep me on track :)

I'm glad you're back in the game - i was getting worried about ya for a minute - hadn't heard anything for a while....I know what it's like - when ya can't be bothered then ya don't even blog!

B xxx

Anonymous said...

You hit the nail right on the head! You need to be very specific when you're goal setting so that you're 100% focussed on being motivated.

Check out mine if you like on the below blog:

Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Goal Setting

Daily, Weekly, Monthly & 1st Short Term Goal. I had this printed and laminated and it lives on my fridge door as a daily constant reminder.

Go get em girl! :)

RaeC said...

Awesome to see that fire is roaring again Kat. You need to have more faith in yourself... the kind of faith that we all have in you to achieve your goals.

Keep that fire going...

Love Rae xxx