Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Ohhh boy - what a new years eve! I was actually in bed by 1:30 - but as I dont normally drink I really felt the effects of a hangover the next day - blah!

I feel a bit groggy today - it was like I was bitten by a Tse Tse fly and I slept 11hours last night!! I have promised myself only 2 coffees today and minimum 3 ltrs water - then hopefully I will be back to normal tomorrow!

I can also feel the side effects of a head cold...nooooooooo!!


Sekhmet said...

Welcome to 2006! What a way to start the year ;) That's why I'm starting with a detox......

Kaddy said...

yes, have brain fog too... when will it eeeeennnnndddddddd?????

RaeC said...

Bet you both that after just ONE day of eating clean you will be feeling on top of the world... go on, dare ya... I DOUBLE DARE YA!!


Love Rae xxx