Friday, January 20, 2006

stronger than yesterday

thank god i just made it over my latest hurdle. Feeling mentally stronger by the day, although i still have this weird viral thing going on which is making me feel weak and dizzy BIZARRE dan has the same thing so i'm taking it it's a bg of some kind and am hoping it buggers off as quickly as i got it. It makes it hard to do weights when you're strugglng to drag your legs out of bed let alone do anything else, so i have decided just to rest and recover rather than push and injure myself and am hoping to be back to full health by Monday to kick ass on my first 100% week!

I'm really feeling a lot stronger and a lot better and am now ready to kick ass. I haven't touched any alcohol since i've sworn off it and am hoping this will help me on my road to feeling better, nothing is standing in my way of having a nice lean stomache with ab outlines. After speaking with my trainer i feel about a zillion times better. He's made me believe that my goal is achievable, and also made me realise that i will only have to be 100% strict on myself until i reach my goal, then i can kick back into maintenance mode, which will be nice. So knowing that the initial sacrifice will lead me to long term happiness has really helped kick me in to gear.

You know how i said yesterday that everything happens for a reason?! Well, it's starting to look as if Dan may not get his job back (we thought it was a reasonably sure thing) so that will mean that we won't come back here to work, we'll keep pushing on up north, either way it will be exciting, coming back here though would have ensured we would head off with mega dollars, however now i'm thinking a higher being has better things install for us, suits me just fine, the sooner we get out of here the sooner i will be near a gym and than i can really make some awesome progress, oh, and the sooner i will be able to enrol in uni.... it all makes sense to me, we've gotten a bit stale, yeah, i would actually be orright about not coming back... dissapointed but ok as i know that there are better things out there for us.

Ok, i'll stop my dribble. Hope everyone has a great weekend.


RaeC said...

It looks as though exciting things are on the horizon for you Kitty Kat!! Just take each day as it comes and don't stress about what might happen or could happen. Worry about it when it DOES actually happen!!

Love Rae xxx

Bella said...

Each day you will get stronger also - until youre one big ball of muscle!! LOL! x

Kaddy said...

as long as i dont get as big as that woman on lias blog!!