Saturday, January 07, 2006

Day 7 - heading away from heaven....

Well, yep - i made it, got all the way to day 7!!!!! they say it takes 21 days to break a habit, so now i'm a quarter of the way there! woohooo! The best news is though, that the nicotine has pretty much left my body! No withdrawals at all today! I am absolutely on top of the world.

I need to say thankyou to two very special people. Rae and Amelia. Last night Daniel folded and went out and bought a pack of smokes. I thought about it, i wanted to chuck a tantrum and i was mad.... but i handled myself really well..... i went and got the quit smoking diary you bought me amelia and read it with little tears running down my cheeks...tears of happiness...a little frustration but mostly happiness.... at the darkest moment, when i thought about turning around and going back Rae I heard your words...."if you ever touch another cigarette im going to kick your ass!" and you know what, the thought of having to tell you that i'd had one was one of the biggest reasons i abstained. I just want you to know how much you mean to me, and how much respect I hold for you both, i am so thankful to have such supportive, caring friends.

This morning I went for a 50 minute run, god i felt so awesome afterwards. It suddenly occurred to me that i am living my goal... right now, what i have been working towards achieving for the last year and actually wanting to achieve for the last two years I have finally achieved - my ultimate goal - to be a fit and healthy non smoker with a great figure who is happy with themselves. I did it. The contentness i feel is undescribable. I know i'm far from being out of the woods yet, but last night i proved to myself how strong I am. The power of momentum - i just have to keep going.

On a bit of a funny note.... the passed week has seen me having some huge ups and downs - i have had SO many chocolate cravings!!!!! So anyway, i thought to myself "i gotta stop this, it's so bad" so i went and layed down and relaxed and imagined myself being as fat as the girl in shallow hal. I had big fat puffy cheeks, had chocolate smeared all around my mouth and was surrounded by chocolate wrappers....i was saying but it tasted so good....howd i get so big after feeling so awesome for all that time??? and then really concentrated on all the things i love about myself now and why i like being the way i am........ and you know what.... no more choc cravings... o i lie, one yesterday, but i didnt even contemplate it yay, it worked! what they say is true, your subconcious mind does not know the difference between what has really happened and what you show it, I like using this technique, it works for so much!

Anyway, i thought you'd find that amusing.

So that's me, nico free and feelin fit and fantastic! i have the whole weekend off so might bail out from here as i have to come in to work to use net.

take care xxxx


Anonymous said...

Well Done Miss Fit! What a huge effort you've made in taking responsibility for your life. I totally understand where you're coming from as I was once a former smoker. *shrieks* It's far from easy to quit but the longevity we inherit is. *smiles*

Finding and recognising your inner strength is such a reward in itself! Like Rae has mentioned, take one step at a time. That's all any of us can do in the end.

Have a great weekend!


Kaddy said...

thnaks os much lia! i like what you said re:longevity!

take care

RaeC said...

Hi Kitty Kat,

Now after sounding like a hard ass, I have to blemish my reputation and tell you I read your post with tears in my eyes and covered in goosebumps. I just want you to know how very proud I am of you and how lucky I feel to count you as one of my friends too... but I will still kick your ass if you smoke again... LOL!!

Love you :)

Rae xxx

Bella said...

chunderama - hmmm...sounds like a messy blog.