Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Day 3
Ok, well, still not smoking - this has got to be the longest period of abstinenance in a long time! I'm feeling on edge, like my head is goign to start doing 360's a million miles an hour and pop off, i want to chuck a paddy as this dude on my rigtht is doing and am feeling sorry for my poor customers, i'm not wearing my overly friendly hat today, more like the "what the HELL do YOU WANT???" hat :)

I just spoke with my trainer and bella, just for the record, the fact that i've quit and am shoving chocolate down my throat wasn't ok, roflmao (we thought it wmay have been because the fact that i'm not smoking is so good) anyway - it's SO not!- after admitting though i hadn't called because i didn't want to tell him that i'd been eating junk he just said that it's better for me to be honest...so...just for future record, letting your body win instead of your mind is NOT ok, and just to top things off apparently i'm ovualting - kinda funny having A MAN know that when you have no freekin idea where ur at...and apparently that makes the cravings worse! i wanna go and hide!!

On a positive note though, at least im kickin butt... that is good, even if i feel so lousy, although, am probably feeling lousy because of all the alcohol and chocolate i've fed myself over the passed couple of days. I am putting an end to it now though! no more! i must say, my trainer was very good about the whole situation but had this incredible way of sort of saying "it's really not good enough" without actually having to say it... beating myself ups probably enough punishment anyway!


So although feeling tired, bloated and lethargic, i'm feeling fu$%ng awesome because i really have finally found the motivation and strength to kick my stinkin worsed habit! 2006 can only get better from here! youp yoooo...bring it on BABY! hahahaha it can't get any worse... shit now i think i'm dellusional... gonna go and spin myself out somewhere else.... on a final note...

So much to do

Do you have so much to do that is seems overwhelming? Then stop thinking about how much there is and start getting it done.
Feeling overwhelmed is merely a state of mind that you choose. And just as easily as you can choose it, you can choose to let it go.
A new day, a new month, a new year dawns and it can make you feel like time is quickly slipping away. But in fact, time comes to you just as quickly as it moves past.
And that means that each moment you get the opportunity to make a difference. Each moment, the best thing you can do is to make full and meaningful use of that moment.
That is how you get things done. Moment by moment, little by little, small tasks build into great accomplishments, and accomplishments build into a life with real fulfillment.
You don't have to tackle everything all at once. Just do what you can, when you can, filling each moment with positive purpose and action.
And what once seemed overwhelming will quickly become a source of real and lasting fulfillment.
-- Ralph Marston


Sekhmet said...

Go Team Kat!!!

I don't think a bit of chocky will kill you in the next few days if it keeps you off the cancer sticks - it may be no good for your waist line but it's certainly better for your lungs :) Keep at it, the head exploding thing will go away in a couple of days, you're nearly over the worst part.


Or even worse, have you seen the "No Gary No" ad? You could replace with your name and get it stuck in your head, in fact, I think I'll be walking around tomorrow chanting "No Kat No!"

Kaddy said...

lol thanks hunni!