Monday, January 30, 2006

Day 29 and feelin' fine

Well - day 29 is done and you know what it was soooo fine! Apart from being seriously tired (big days at work) and suffering from some weird tingling sensation in my left nostril which has almost driven me to the brink of madness, today was a good day...

...lifted strong at training this morning. Even though this country gym has THE SHITTEST equipment this side of the continent - I am really making some headway. I have the music PUMPING in my ipod - I even surprised myself at the volume when I took out an earphone to ask someone if they had finished with the bench - I reckon they could also hear Madonna word for word! ha!

The only thing annoying me is DB Squats - I am using 7.5kg and want to move up but my wrists start to hurt. So I am going back on Squats with a bar - which should be much better. I am also going to stop doing my abs on the swiss ball - for some reason I can feel the 'burn' 1000 times more if Im on a mat - weird.

Nutrition is going scarily well - not that scary I guess - It would be scarier if I ate like I used to - I still have NO CRAVINGS!!! I can tell I am losing fat - still a lot more to go though - but I dont feel as bloated or as 'soft and mushy' as I was after Christmas (thank f**k) I now look at the shit I used to 'crave' (any form of nut, small lollies /chocolates) and its like looking at chalk - my brain just does not register! I have to say its quite a liberating feeling. I used to clasify myself as a 'binge eater' - during the days of Atkins - low cal etc. I actually have never felt this good with my eating! I feel I have finally given the bad habits the flick - bad habits which were really self-destructive and bad habits that took me nowhere but down!!

Its almost been a year since I discovered this 'better way of living' - and over the last 12 months I have discovered so much about my health and wellbeing. Today I have so much more mental space - mental space which used to be crammed with negative self-image thoughts - what a waste of time!! It has not been easy though - a lot of tears and frustrations - my gorgeous boyfriend has been helped me throughout with not one word of discouragement - (Rae / Kat included) and I have developed MANY strategies to help me keep on track. Some may say Im obsessive (but noone I really care about) but the strategies I have put in place have worked for me and I will use them everyday - strategies which make me feel ALIVE - a feeling which I will NEVER EVER comprimise!





Never lose sight of your target

1 comment:

Kaddy said...

yOU KNOW WHAT, I COULD ALMOST WRIGHT exactly the same post today! feeling so awesome, and hae deided once and for all i'm never ever going to give it up for anyone ever again!