Thursday, January 05, 2006

BAAA stop being a bleatin sheep

Do you ever step away from situations or things that are going on to analyze them or to form your own opion? Far too often we let ourselves play "follow the leader" and blindly march behind so called "experts" without even ever questioning their methods?

If you are having a needle for any reason, do you read the info, do you heed the medical advise or do you do what i have done up until now, throw the empty box and pamphlet in the bin because you assume the Dr knows what they're doing... and who are you to question???

I am fortunate enough to be associated with some very intelligent people via this blog who come from all different walks of lives, have all had various experiences and are all richer from them, and i am richer for having met these people. I have listened to all advice but have got to a point where i am taking responsibility for my own actions. I am in control of my body, but i now have found a way of supporting my own beliefs and ideals. Just because things seem like the norm doesn't always mean they are, the minute you step away / get on the outside and start questioning and analyzing is the day you will truly begin to grow.

A little wisdom from my mere youth... i will get off my soap box now... anyone is welcome to climb on and have they say, i'm eager to hear what you think.


RaeC said...

See comment on Bella's post"Chemical Waste"

Love Rae xxx

Sekhmet said...

I must say that with so many conflicting opinions I take everything the so called "experts" say with a pinch of salt now. I figure i'm intelligent enough to draw my own conclusions and old and wise enough to know that if something don't feel probably ain't.

Kaddy said...

lol - yep - that was a much easier way to put it!