Friday, January 27, 2006

Herding Cats

Hi guys - strange last few days....for the first time in ages I feel....'normal...!!! Ok, not completely 'normal' (thank god...) but as normal as it gets when you feel 'fine' about everything...I guess thats not normal...ANYWAY - my nutrition and training has completely filtered itself into my wellbeing and I feel really balanced - HOW BIZARRO!!!!

I am not hungry, I am not full, I am not tired, I have increased my weights, I feel strong, I have lost some weight, I can see some definition in my abs - THINGS ARE GOOD!! And you know the only thing I have changed is I said to myself 'Im just going to stop making it so complicated' and in saying this I just 'went with it' - I know what my nutrition is, I know what my training is - so stop questioning it and just do it! And because I havent been constantly obsessing things have just worked out - WHAT A RELIEF!! I just hope I can stay this way...I am a virgo...and I do have my obsessive tendancies....My thoughts have gone from 'herding cats' (a strange but very real depiction of how my thoughts can be) to 'pass me the green tea please Mr.Yoga' - its clean, peaceful and organised in my head at the moment! COOL!

PS - Im not pregnant! thank-god-holy-shit-phew
PPS - Ms Monroe did weights...*ahem*


RaeC said...

I know exactly where you are coming from ;)

Awesome to hear Bella!!

Love Rae xxx

Kaddy said...

thank god re:pregnancy! just chatted to Kerry - feelin a lot better! shes a wonder woman!

ps. i want a yoga mind too!

pps - isn't it weird when you get that clarity sometimes do you try n find stuff to muddle you up? lol i do - too weird! it's like as rae would say " What is this calm word you speak of"?!!! :)