Thursday, January 19, 2006

At Peace with Chocolate

Just a quick note to say I am so proud of myself! - a friend came by with a hamper for Christmas full of my favourite chocolates...(as Rae would say DUM DUM DUM DUMMMMM)

...normally I would say to myself 'its Christmas only once a year- just have the chocolate' or 'gee what a shame not to eat them' etc etc etc

BUT BUT BUT - I dont want any of the chocolates! And its NOT because Im saying 'I CANT have them' or Im not ALLOWED to have them (notice the negative words....) but instead I am fine without them and I dont need them and I dont have the cravings for the instant fix. I also know how terrible I feel once I do eat them - and this feeling alone stops me completely.

So yeah - one chocolate temptation down...:-)


Kaddy said...

go team bella! woohoo

Sekhmet said...

Go girl! I totally hear ya - I haven't been having cravings for ages, but my diet is probably quite different to yours in that I'm having loads of carbs so that helps me stave them off. I love chocolate, but I hate the way I feel afterwards so I just focus on not wanting that horrid feeling :)

I've also sworn off "commercial" choc and will only eat the Green & Blacks - at that price I can't afford to eat much anyway!

Bella said...

oh my god thats exactly the same as me - Green & Black is the only choc I will buy - and at something like $12 a block you cant eat too much...well you can but it would be expensive!!

Sekhmet said...

My local health food shop is now stocking the butterscotch flavour! I soooo wanted to try, but it was like a 250g bar for $12 and I knew it would be gone in a matter of seconds - I may have to wait until a smaller one comes out so for now it's good old Maya Gold, Peppermint or White - yuuuuum!

Bella said...

step away from the buterscotch - i repeat - step away from the butterscotch...too good to handle with control...

Kaddy said...

lmfao... i'm glad it's nowhere near me!

RaeC said...

Geez Bella, It's not until you mentioned it that I realise today that I haven't had a chocolate craving myself in ages!! The only thing I seem to crave these days is fresh dates... LOL!! BIZARRE!!

Love Rae xxx