Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Well, ever since Rae double dared me to have a day of clean eating - I made a promise to myself to do so. And yes, I do feel better despite having this head cold and still feeling the sleep deprivation from the weekend! I have written up my nutrition and training for the next 6 weeks and I am going to stick with it! Nothing makes me feel worse than eating crap - and I just have to remind myself of that before I lunge for the cookie tin! I have also started a 'daily journal' to help keep me on track which I will write my feelings/nutiriton/exercise for the day - this helps me stay focused and its good to see the goals I have achieved(even if they are small ones!)

2006 I am going to be the strongest I have ever been - I know how I want to look in my jeans and how I want to be inside (body & mind) - no excuses!!

I dare ya

I double dare ya

Physical Challenge!!! any of you remember that TV show? I used to watch it religiously when I was a little tacker - how funny that its relevant to my life today! LOL!

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