Saturday, January 28, 2006

Where there's a will there's a way

The passed month has been an awesome month for me, it's been the wildest roller coaster ride to date, trip over pick myself up AND move a long has been the game, it's been crazy, sometimes down right frustrating but it's taught me so much.

At the beginning of the month i went through a phase where i thought maybe i should go solo... i am so relieved i didn't!!! What i have learned from my PT is awesome and the whole support net work at the gym is fantastic! Just when you think you're never gonna get back up someone reaches out a hand and helps you back up, i love it! I love the support, the knowledge EVERYTHING that i learn is just so invaluable!

I woke up this morning and didn't really feel like working out - i thought - what are my options - walk around in circles with nothing better to do for a few hours or 'dont think about it and just do it' one of my trainers mottos - im finally starting to listen to him lol - and he's right! about everything - so from now on i'll just keep it simple - eat properly and TRAIN HARD!

I went up in all of my weights which kind of sux because my DB's only go to 5 kg's- now what??? lmao- geeze the joys of travelling! On a good note though i've learned to improvise! Since i farewelled my weight bench i've been doing all different kinds of stuff with the good ol DB's, i was finding the tricep dips a bit hard though because my kitchen chairs are funny! We're heading off camping thi afternoon so our Eski's are sitting by the front door! OMG PERFECT hight!! I WAS ECSTATIC - i'll be doing step ups into my caravan, tri dips on the eski -- and i think i wasn't completely honest when i told dan i was only taking a 'few' DB's i'm actually taking my 1's, 2.5s, 3's, 4's and 5's unless my PT suggests otherwise.... i may actually be sneaking the DBs in when someones not looking!!!! ROFLMAO - we get to our destination and he'll be like where did they come from??! :) hmmm DB fairy bought them.................................................

i tihnk i might make my trip "the great australian gym crawl" initially it was going to be the great aussie pub crawl - now i think not! An inside view of the good the bad and the down right ugly! Meeels spewing their building a new gym i could have used your gym as the ugly one! ROFLMAO

im in fantastic spirits - i've come off the crazy part of my cycle - serioulsy i've just figured out that at certain times of the month i just go crazy! irrational, just lose the plot! now i know what you're thinking 'i only just worked it out' yes...that's right im a work in progress - mood swings and irratic behaviour used to be a daily thing for me - so i guess one week out of the month aint so bad!

have a fun weekend girls! talk soon


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