Wednesday, January 04, 2006

shouldda stayed in bed

o0k, i wish i could write something positive, but i woke up feeling ok, then after being awake for a while i started feeling like poo.... my bodys spinning out on me, i wanna just cry and throw a big tantrum, i taking lots of deep breaths and drinking tonnes of water but i am super hungry@! then to top it all off i was starving at meal 1, went to eat my snack and my chicken was OFF !! bugger... so ate lunch early, then ended up starving a couple of hours later so went to eat afternoon snack and it was raw! bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so then ordered shit food because i felt so crap which made me feel more crap and now i just wannnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaa go to bed so i can wake up on a new day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on a positive note starting weights again friday......... hopefully by then i'll be over nico cravings.... day 5 tomorrow (thank frikkin god)this better be over soon or i really think i'll end up commited!

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