Thursday, January 19, 2006

Its been a good few days!

The days are sooo warm - cant believe its 42C this Sunday - OH MY GOD! Looks like 6am training all this week to beat the heat - and then back to work infront of the aircon!! My body is really getting into 'fat burning mode' or so I hope - Im not as bloated and I am really hungry right before my meal but at no other time and I have no sugar cravings whatsoever - which means my nutrition is on track and all my body has to do is 'burn baby burn'!!

The 'visualization' is really are the jeans hanging from the ceiling...

I am loving my meals - the only 'sauce' I use is diced tomatoes from a tin to add flavour to my meat and maybe a small shake of my Herbamare. I have also had a couple of really strong weight sessions this week - slowed down my reps and focusing on my techique - Im working hard on my shoulders - I keep stretching to ease the DOMS!

I have given myself 6weeks till I take pics of my body again - Feb27 will be the day! Strangely Im not dreading it - actually Im excited!! great!

Found this on a bodybuilding site: What is needed for success:

1) Commitment
Commitment is the first success factor. It is important to decide what you want and commit to settling for nothing less. During this phase, you must visualize a picture of how "YOU" want to look. Don't concern yourself with how everyone else looks. This will strengthen your commitment.

2) Positive Energy
Positive Energy is the second success factor. After committing yourself to being your best – you have to actually believe you CAN be your best. You needed to surround yourself with positive energy. This means, if you have a workout partner with different goals, find a new workout partner or do as much as possible on your own. You cannot afford to allow anything to deter you.
I have removed myself of many workout partners who use the gym as a social Mecca, or don't come to the gym when it rains or snows, or complains during hard workout sessions. They have all continued to remain my friends and fortunately were able to realize how much it means to have positive energy. You must also realize that there will be plenty of negative energy trying to counter-act your positive surroundings.
Many people who can't commit will be envious and sometimes even jealous. I affectionately call these people "haters". They will see you progress and will be envious or jealous of you. To make them feel better they will try to inject their negative energy into your positive surroundings.

3) Determination
Determination is another of my key success factors. Determination is what made me do that "one last rep" when my body wanted to "quit". It is what kept me at the gym to do abdominal and cardio-vascular work when I was ready to go home. It is what kept me competing when I didn't place where I wanted.

4) Dedication
Your dedication is a prime factor. What I mean by this is that dedication is what will make you head to the gym when your friends are heading to "happy hour". It will make you eat the "proper meal" and stick to your diet instead of grabbing a more convenient burger at McDonalds. With dedication you can realize success in any field of human endeavor.

1 comment:

Kaddy said...

i like that! it's all so true!