Wednesday, November 02, 2005

non smokers

this is really something for my own reference.... anything to make me a non smoker

other women i admire for getting fit and kicking the stinking filthy smoking habit....

Rae C

and i want to be on the list too!

time to kick butt ..... literally


Sekhmet said...

I have to confess to having thre cigarettes yesterday.....

Kaddy said...

lol beki - u cute! i have to confess that i told bella i was going to turn into a raving lunatic and run away from ciggies kicking and screaming.... i haven't but i have felt sane for an extra day! :-) :-( not sure how i feel about that one lol. Anyway Beki, you're doing so well, i guess just treat it like your diet.... try try try everyday.

Sekhmet said...

I know it's no excuse - I've had a real bad couple of days (y'know, marriage breakdown, that kinda shit) so went for a few beers with a friend I hadn't seen for a while and before I knew it, I'd just taken the smoke he'd offered me. Ah well, I just went for a bloody good run and sweated it out of my system :)