Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Kat - just keep fighting through those cigarettes - substitute the 'addiction' and $$ into something positive - flowers for example - and every time you smell them think about how good it is to have clean lungs to be able to appreciate the scent! Switch focus and put all your energy into making a positive difference to yourself - no more beating yourself up for 'trying to quit' - your energy is precious (physical & mental). An extreme measure is to carry the most horrific image of what smoking can do to you...I know its full on but people have said this 'shock' technique works...look at it everytime you want a ciggie - give yourself a new image each week to remind yourself of the ramifications of smoking - re-train your brain! YOU CAN DO IT! I need you to be my right hand gal in this quest - think of me as ONE BIG FLEA SPRAY...wink wink...

Another busy day at work - nutrition all good - but need to make only one change:

No more buying Lite Soy Milk in cartons - only little handy packs.

I can drink the entire carton in one go - too damn tasty...handy packs are like portion control - there is only so much I can squeeze out of the straw hole without it going everywhere....perfect.

I saw dairy in a completely different light when I visited www.milksucks.com - SCARY STUFF!!

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