Saturday, November 12, 2005

Day 6 - almost 1 week down!

Still feeling good! funny - I feel very in control - I suppose once you get to you third program you can really tailor it to you bodies exact needs - both how to get the best results in both nutrition and exercise. I suppose I am feeling positive because I am doing cardio again - with all that clean air in my lungs I have so much energy! I did a 20min interval this morning on my new trainer...oh baby...and am thinking I may do a 30min stepper this afternoon.

Today is my 2nd cardio day in a row (tomorrow is weights again) and I was quite hungry at lunch - also because I left it quite late because of a meeting - which probably dropped my sugar levels quite low - took me a while to feel satisfied - but had my 1tbs of peanut butter and felt much better! I almost feel guilty eating peanut butter...i said ALMOST!!

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