Monday, February 06, 2006


I went to see Grandpa again in intensive care today - and he is AWAKE!!!!!

* tears tears tears *

The doctor said it is obvious he is a real fighter. They had to tie his hands down over night as he was trying to pull all his tubes out!!

I just cant believe it - well I can - but I feel like I have been run over by a steam roller - my emotions have been all over the place - but my heart is now SO WARM! When I went in to see him he said in muffled respirator talk 'I love you' - I said he was like the 'Terminator' he tried to laugh.

Mum told him he has been in intensive care for 4 days and he had an angry look on his face and then we told him his biopsy was clear and a little tear rolled down his cheek.

This had been a life changing experience for me -

- my senses are all heightened and I know what I need to do to achieve my goals.

What I need to do over the next 22 days for my next body pics is very obvious - some of these things: TRAIN HARD, STAY POSITIVE AND LOVE LIFE!!

I couldnt have been this strong without you guys - thank you so much xxx


I thought this pic was spot on with what my grandpa faced over the last 4 days!!


Lucinda said...

Wonderful News!!!!

RaeC said...

YAY, YAY, YAY!! Words cannot describe just how elated I am for you honey... this is THE best news!!

Love Rae xxx