Saturday, February 11, 2006

Bella loves Bella LOL

You know I am sitting here and NEVER EVER have I felt this good.

Things that are unreal:

1. My hair is so healthy and thick
2. The whites of my eyes are WHITE
3. No gas AT ALL(thank god...)
4. No bloating - my tum is flat baby!
5. My nails are strong
6. Have lost 2kg

...and best of all I feel STRONGER - my weights are increasing every workout and I have LOST BODY FAT!!!

I love my meals, infact I prepare them 3 days in advance so they are ready to eat and I have NOOOOOOOOOO CRAVINGS!!! - if anything I get a small twinge about 4pm which I was told may be just from years of eating chocolate around that time - mid afternoon lull.

I have my organic veggie woman who picks all the produce from her little farm for me and I have just bought a truck load of biodynamic/organic meat which I will parcel up and freeze - ORGANISED VIRGO BELLA !!

For the first time food isnt controlling me and I am getting the results I want.

It just doesnt get any better - feeling like this ROCKS! It hasnt come easy (few personal demons to battle with) but I seriously feel like I am 'accepting me' and 'coming to peace' with myself...

....god I sound all mushy - but I think I am starting to like myself (whats that song?...I love myself I want you to know it...LOL...!!!! - a very strange concept for me but one I can get used to! I feel......'normal....*cough* or what I want normal to be for me anyway!! ;-)


Anonymous said...

This is an awesome post!!!!! Hooray for you!

Lucinda said...

Yay! Go you :)

Feel great, it well BLOODY BRILLIANT!

Tracey said...

Good on you Bella, great to hear that you are now loving yourself, it is one of lifes greatest challenges to achieve.