Saturday, February 25, 2006

Girl weights SUCK!!

So 'sticky hot' today - I feel like I am in Bangkok! Mind you I am sitting at a desk under a blaring air-con - its so powerful that Im struggling to blink - my eyes are all dry! lol - god only knows what this is doing to my skin!!

Was very excited when I went to the country gym - which is a first because I normally have to phone Kat to give me words of encouragement just to enter....yes, it is that bad....

BUT - the BRAND SPANKING NEW GYM 'grand opening' has been confirmed as March 1 - NEXT WEEK!! YAY!

Open 7 days - all day - rather than 6-10am mon-wed and 8-10am sat (are they the shittest hours or what?!!) - remembering though that is the 'best' part of they gym...did I mention there is a creche in the middle of the weights area.....?!

So am looking forward to really intensifying my heart skips a beat from the thought of shiny new dumbells!!!!

Talking about dumbells I almost pissed myself laughing at the gym yesterday (again, I tend to piss myself laughing about a lot of things at this gym...did I mention I see people doing lat pulldowns with their 4 year old monkey - I mean kid - sitting on their lap....?!)

ANYWAY - I was speaking to a PT at the gym and I was telling him how I was looking forward to the new equipment - he said 'oh yeah - the girls are going to love it... We have special pink girl dumbells and they will be in a different section to the 'boys' dumbells...........WTF!!!!?

And after 'pissing myself laughing in my head' I immediately thought 'you f**ing idiot.' What a stupid thing to say - let alone actually buy for a gym. Maybe they were requested by the lady members... *shudder*.

Well, old gym or new gym - my IPOD will be blarring and the only person which will exist for that hour will be me - and me using the mens weights and me lifting heavy and me getting RIPPED!!!

What 'girl' weights....!!?

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