Monday, February 27, 2006

How things have changed...


Sekhmet said...

"I love shopping for gym clothes and runners more than shopping for going out clothes"!!!

Hahaha, what sad little lives we lead ;)

RaeC said...

ME TOO!!! And my coach is THE most important man in my life!! Who would have guessed this about me... right??? LMAO!!

Love Rae x

Anonymous said...

And so you should! LMAO!! Lia xo

Kaddy said...

ohhh me too!! aren't wORK out clothes just bloody awesome..i always get buterflies when shopping for gym clothes how weird is that!! it's almost like you know when you take your dog for a walk and as soon as he sees the leash he gets ballistic coz he knows whats coming, i think its the same for me with gym clothes lol!

Tracey said...

Me too, i think that i shop 4 gym clothes more then i do for any other clothes. Always need to look good whilst working out