Sunday, February 05, 2006

was it easy?

Last night i ran in to a girl i hadn't seen in a bit over a year. She was like wow you look different, you've lost heaps of eight how much have you lost?? my reply "12kg's". Her very next question was "was it easy" i paused, thought for a moment i thought "my response will influence this girl" and said, anything worth achieving is never easy. The girl i was talking to is a lot overweight. It just strikes me as strange that people think it's easy. I suppose some people make it look easy, but if they only knew what it takes, how it can still be a struggle to say no to some of your favourite foods..... i dont think i will ever understand how some people just dont geddit.....


RaeC said...

Good answer... Unfortunately what most people are looking for is a magic pill. They would love for your answer to be "Oh yes, I took such and such a fat burner that is new on the market, still ate all the food I wanted and didn't exercise at all!!" But it doesn't work that way, as we have found out, it takes committment, persistence and emotional strength!! :)

Love Rae x

Sekhmet said...

I used to get annoyed with some of my clients at the weight loss clinic. They would always have a go at me when they weren't following their program and therefore not losing weight (or putting it on). I used to say to them, if it was easy we would all be super models!!!! They used to think that by paying for a program we would sprinkle magic dust on them to make the weight just fall off. Grrrrrrr. And then you'd get "What do you know? You've never had a weight problem!" Like they'd ever seen me at my biggest! They asked for help, we gave it to them and they would say "It's too hard....." It is hard and it is frustrating but so rewarding when you've made these great acheivements for yourself and learnt how you body responds to certain things. Knowledge is power!

Good on you Kat :) I'm proud of your acheivement :)

Kaddy said...

cheers beki! you gys are so right!