Sunday, February 26, 2006

Happy-ish to Happy Happy

I am definatly a morning person. I wake at 6am and am in bed by 11:30pm - so whats that? - 6.5 hours sleep. Im good at 6.5hours - sometimes at about 3pm I have a 15min powernap - shit those things immediately make me feel a million times better. Today I slept till 7am and Im a bit puffy in the eyes - but I had to wake a couple of times in the night to call the cops about some really drunk idiots in the street yelling at eachother - hate that.

I had a good look at myself in the morror last night - and I am feeling more toned. My 'handles' arent as big - my thighs have trimmed down and my tummy is flatter. I still have a while to go until I am 'happy happy' - but at the moment I am 'happy-ish'. My biceps do piss me off though - I dont want 'flat pancake look' where the hell is the tone? I can see definition if I move my arm out a bit - but I want permanent tone - guess its a good indication I need to drop some more body fat.

For me, dropping body fat is all about not overdoing carbs. I have cut down my cardio and decreased my carbs - and am feeling so much better for it. I so do not miss the 5+ cardio sessions a week (HIIT/run whatever) and 4 weight sessions!! I know this works for some and thats awesome - but I have finally worked out that this isnt necessary for me. Sure - I may need to increase cardio at one stage - but at the moment I am losing bodyfat at a good rate by just focusing on my weight sessions and nutrition.

No dairy is also another positive move I made - particularly the cottage cheese - I mean, what the hell is in that stuff?!!!! - same with the protein powder - YUK!

Hey - I eat shit every so often still - but I took a good look at the frequency (everyday) and felt the cottage cheese and protein powder wasnt doing me any favours - particularly when I could eat protein from sources that my digestive system thanked me for (grilled chicken / lean meat etc) This way involves a little more stuffing around - cottage cheese/protein powder is very easy to prepare & consume - but the extra effort is woth it for me - I really have no choice - my crazy tummy just does not settle!

Anyway - I know I have spoken about all this before - I guess I just feel that much better from my current nutrition program - that I am pleased I was able to find alternatives that work for me - but I also know people that respond great to protein powder - which is great - but it just didnt work out for me!

What else? - my coffee grinder just shat itself - but luckily I was able to get my morning coffee out just in the nick of time - PHEW!!!


Kaddy said...

THANK GOD we learned to listen to our bodies!@

missin uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

RaeC said...

Great post Bella!!

Everyone responds differently to different nutrition and training programs, that is why there are so many. What works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another and you know what... that's fine.

Just because someone is doing things differently to yours, doesn't mean that you are in the wrong. Therefore others people's choices should be respected when it comes to choosing what works best for them, not criticized. We should respect diversity, not discourage it.

"There never were in the world two opinions alike, no more than two hairs or two grains; the most universal quality is diversity."
Michel de Montaigne

I am so glad that you are starting to like what you see in the mirror and I can't wait to meet you in July :)

Love Rae x

Anonymous said...

Bella I just love reading your blogs becaue they make me laugh. Has anyone told you that you're a very funny lady. LOL!!

You have a great attitude and although things may not go your way they certainly don't slow you down or stop you.

Lia xo

Sekhmet said...

Hey Bella! Was wondering what had happened to you :)

Great to see you are happy-ish :) I still have a while to get to that point but I'm enjoying the journey.

I know what you mean about cottage cheese - blurgh! I don't think I'll ever be able to eat it again! And no dairy is definately the way to go :)

Beki x

Tracey said...

OMG I feel like I am all alone on the cottage cheese thing, i absolutely love it. Yes thats right, but I just cant eat it on its own, have to have it with salads, or in pancakes etc. U just get used to it I think.