Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Week 5 Day 28

Starting weight: 62kg
weight today: 59 kg

Well, i must say i am so damn frustrated with myself. I went and wrote my post yesterday and felt so so so good, and then went and did the exact thing i thought i had beaten! I gave in to a couple of drinks and then followed with a bad meal decision to boot@! fish and bloody chips of all things! Well got up this morning and exercised to my hearts content - it made me feel a bit better.

I just ordered the Paul McKenna books yesterday after reading what amelia had to say. I ordered the quit smoking one and think yourself slim! Can't wait to get them! Will do a review once read!

1 comment:

RaeC said...

The thing to do…

When you can't see how you will get it all done, the thing to do is to do what you can. Even when it's difficult to imagine getting the job finished, the thing to do is to take the first step.

Creating something of value takes time and effort. The thing to do is to make that effort.

Getting beyond the difficult challenges will require persistence and diligence. The thing to do is to keep going.

When you're not sure where to start, the thing to do is to find some action that will move you forward. Even if you start slowly, it's much better than falling further behind.

When you don't know how you'll continue, the thing to do is to focus on the next effort. The more diligently you work on it, the more good and valuable options you'll see opening up to you.

Whatever may come your way, the thing to do is to make the most of all that you have to work with. And every moment will move you closer to where you have chosen to go.

-- Ralph Marston