Friday, September 09, 2005

Plugging Away

I got up this morning - did my legs and some interval sprints and felt really good for it! Had chicken ceasr for tea last night - after contemplating Nachos for about 5 mins - i still couldn't deal with taking out the croutons and bacon and i still drizzled it in that awful sauce........i feel like a human.... bad human but human, i hope this Paul McKenna book helps me make my "free won't" stronger!

i felt really bad over the passed couple of days because i've been a bit slack on my cardio, this morning I analyzed my week so far and relaised that in my greater wisdom - knowing myself obviously so well i did a lot of training the two days prior to my friend arriving - obviously anticipating that all may not go to plan following her arrival, i forgot all about my planning i had done before she got here to make sure i would stay on track as much as humanly possible, so now it turns out at this stage i will have a 100% work out week~!!!! YAY, so proud of myslelf for actually learning and absorbing some of the results from previous mishaps and experiences.... even if it was on a sub concious level :-) !!!

1 comment:

Kaddy said...

well girls - life isn't meant to be easy is it!! iwas just read in my "Awaken the Gian within" book about decision making and how we choose to immediately gratify ourselves because it feels good immediatly ewven if in the future we would gain more pleasure from abstaining - does any of this make sense?? hmmm - read lates blog for info - furry head - bloated belly :-( im doing as good as everyone else -- however today is a new day full of new decisions and CHOICES- yesterdays gone - lets stop dwelling on it and push all of our energy into kicking some butt in this challenge!!! DONT YOU DARE QUIT AMANDA - we're only 6 weeks away - and i reckon it will be worth the ride!!!