Monday, September 05, 2005

Week 4 Day28

The passed four weeks have flown. i just can not belive i am in to week 5 neally. This challenge has been so good for my life and for my soul. The changes I have made, the knowlege I have gained about fitness and about myslef has been extraordianary. I am really beginning to for once truly love myself and the person that i am and am truly beginning to love my life.

I have come to realise that this is who i am and this is what i want.

I have made some bad decisions over the passed week and have had a couple of drinks here and there but have stuck to my diet and exercise regime about 93% - most days were 100% days ~ however not all were. I now aim for 100% but no longer beat up on myself if i go off track, which i now believe will be my success. Beating up on yourself only does one thing - make you feel negative and end up with an all or nothing approach "stuff it, i've already been bad I may as well keep going" - that mentality is now out the door. I don't sit and dwell on the mistake like i used to, instead i divert the energy into eating properly my next meal - putting more effort into my workouts etc. This has however left me feeling like a nazi. My first couple of weeks had my saying " i can't have that" now i say "I don't want that" . It makes a hell of a difference. I am actually glad i have made the odd mistake because everyone of them i have learned from, and hey realistically what other way is there to learn!?? I am currently reading "The Giant Withing" by Anthony Robbins, it's an awesome empowering book.

Obstacles overcome - a week in review

My biggest hurdle was always going to be alcohol. I suprised myself this challenge however. I am truly focused on my goal and no longer need alcohol in my life. I realised i only ever drank to fit in to a crowd who was drinking - now when I have the odd drink, i have it because I feel like it and I enjoy it. If i don't want a drink I simply don't have one, and of course there are also times i feel like one but don't have one because of the calories and I know all the extra drinks will keep me somewhere i dont want to be. Quite simply, changing my life to this degree has been so awesome for me. Resisting alcohol demons is making me a stronger person. I went to the pub last week to farewell some friends. I felt a little apprehensive before i went as i have never ever ever been to the pub before and not drank! I revewed my goals before I went and got my mind focused, i then tootled off to the pub AND DIDN'T HAVE A SINGLE DRINK!!! Lots of water and diet coke, and the odd crack at me from wellwishers (which i chose to ignore). Footy came around on Friday night, my boss arrived back in town and after a couple of hours I decided to have a half time I was the only person who hadn't had too much to drink, for the first time ever I wasn't half platered by half time. I did however have another beer and 1/2 a glass of wine over the course of the evening, the other half i poured down the drain because i didn't feel like it....... i know i am sounding like na alcoholic here but the core of my existance for the previous 8 years has been drinking, partying and socialising - all of them together! So my new found strength is very empowering. It may not mean much to most people but it is life changing for me and now i have gained this control i believe i will truly stick with it!

Smoking - let's not talk about this one - still fighting with this demon everyday.....


I am losing weight and people are starting notice, i have changed my ways of thinking and my outlook and I no longer feel like I am fighting myself the whole way - bare in mind this is my second challenge and all of the above has been a work in progress. There are still really hard times but now i am prepared for them and expect them, i am just going to keep plugging a long and give my 100% everyday, because that is the best i can do. I am setting my standards and am my own judge "if it's to be it's up to me"!

Quote of the Week!

"the only way to easy street is through the sewer" Anthony Robbins

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