Tuesday, March 14, 2006

ticker tock 3.5months on the clock

Yep - new ticker!

I am giving myself until July (3.5 months) to get the body I want - toned and hot! hot! hot!

July will be 1 year since I started blogging...1 YEAR!!! And when its Katfit.blogspot.com's 1st birthday I want to clebrate in style! So yeah - this goal has pepped me up and Im really excited about the next coming months.

I fel really good at the moment also. My nutrition is great - particularly beause I dont have to think about it 24/7 - I know what I need to do and I just do it. Like Rae has said - fuel the machine! Its so true - I want great results from my machine so I need to give it great fuel ...shit I could be really rude talking about this subject - my boyfriend just asked if he could oil it!!! ROFLMAO!

One thing I have been lazy on is cooking all my veggies for the day - need to start doing that as of now - nothing worse than being hungry and waiting for the veggies - sometimes I just eat them raw!! - does this give anyone else a bad tummy?!!! (raw zucchini tastes like crap!)

My new program comes this week - have sneezed the final bit of my flu away today - so am REEEEAAAADY!

Rae/Lia and team - so cool you have started a recipe blog!! yay!

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