Thursday, March 23, 2006


hi. well, i am missing blogger land SO much. Been out on the funny farm again for a few days, and after my last attempt at blogging on dial up i didnt even bother!

THanks so much to everyone for your support. 1 more sleep now until i meet andrew my PT. I can't wait! THis is my current situation!

* Clothes have seemed to shrink ALOT in this southern wondering whether it happens to everyone....but like my clothes are seriously like a size too small and i am laying down to do my jeans up *sob*

* Also, my stomach and hips have seemed to have swollen with the changing weather....

* and it took me like 12 months to get how i was before....and u know what, i wasn't happy there....but now im here i so wanna go back and cherish every single second i loved my stomach in my hot little boob tubes and low cut jeans. I now have bubble hips where my lovely slim lined waist was (only i didnt notice it was slim lined as i was striving to get them even slimmer and now i waaaaana go back) & i have a red welt forming on my forhead from the constant banging against the wall!!! sure when i see andrew tomorrow it will all be back on track.... I CANT wait........


Tracey said...

Kat I know exactly how you are feeling, I have just started my new regime (diet) and weights program. Can't wait to have the meee that was only 5 months ago. Makes you feel good to run around in boob tubes.

Kaddy said...

hi tracey!!

thanks so much! i know once i get back on track i will start feeling awesome again.... BRING IT ON!! how u doin??

Chontelle said...

Kat I am with you at the moment! Have had real trouble lately getting back into the swing of good eating, and I don't even have your travelling excuse... I have just had excuses of lots of socialising, stress at work, being sick etc. (Nothing counts as a good excuse!) After all my hard work... I can't afford to slip back to my old ways (or size). Why is it that you can't even veer off track for even a second without it being reflected on the scales!!! AARGGHHH!!!

You can do it Kat (and so can I)... we have done it before... we can keep doing it... obstacles or not!
Boob tubes here we come!

RaeC said...

Not long now sweetie... one more sleep to go!! He is going to do wonders for you... meeting him face-to-face changed my whole life and outlook... see you on Saturday gorgeous!! :)

Love ya xxx