Saturday, March 11, 2006


i haven't been feeling like myself the last few weeks, to be honest i feel CRAPPY! Isn't it funny how u know all the right things to do, but you can let yourself veer off?! I know that when i want to do something I do it, despite the circumstances, i've found moving from place to place at the moment has thrown me right out. If i was at one home for a week then another home for another week i could get a bit of a routine... but at the moment i dont know what's going on from one day to the next!!

I booked my appointment with my PT yesterday, am very excited but also very embarrassed. I've eaten so much crap over the last few weeks, i know i won't even have to say anything because he'll see straight away! Thank god Dan must of finally realised whats been going on, becasue now when i go to have something i shouldnt he says "i'll tell Andrew!" cheers hunni, it's just what i needed! He's making me think about it without having a go at me....those who know me know that tactic DOES NOT WORK! After he made his little 'threat' yesterday my reply was "you wont need too, he'll know just by looking at me" and it's the truth PT is so in tune its incredible!

So for the remainder of my holidays i am making a pact with myself to show my body a little more respect! Even if i can not stick to diet 100% i will focus on not eating takeaway and only eating small portions of good stuff and of course back in to the weights ASAP!!!

xxxchallenges bring em on'


Chontelle said...

I am SO relating to you at the moment. I know well and good what I need to be doing with my nutrition, but I have really let it slip! I will be good most of the time, but then have been succumbing to much convenience food, take aways, eating out etc. It really helps to not have a social life if you want to eat well. But I know there are no excuses. It is up to me to work around the circumstances in my life!
It is great that Dan is giving you support. It really helps when people are encouraging.
Good luck getting back on track... you know you can do it! (And same goes for me)

RaeC said...

Hi lovey,

Yes, your PT will know!! And it's best to be honest with him anyway as how can he help you to be the best you can be if he doesn't know exactly what is happening in your life?

I can totally relate to being out of whack and the struggle it is to eat on-plan when you are out of your environment, and your PT understands this too. It is a struggle, but one we must put all our effort into.

I will try and get onto Yahoo tonight to see what is happening with your visit.

Happy birthday for Thursday honey... I am sorry I missed it :(

Have a great day and I will chat soon...

Love Rae xxx