Friday, December 09, 2005

stick out of the mud...

hows that pic of Arina Manta... she's my current role model for this part of the challenge... i look at her on my fridge and make myself go for a run.... just can't help it....

Anyway, thanks Rae for your advice re: the drinking/socialising thing...

You were right.... when i don't drink i tell myself i'm a boring so and so for not drinking... well anyway after reading your post yesterday i decided that when and if the situation arose I would have to consciously start changing my thought patterns.....

So anyway...last night the towns christmas street party was on... i wasn't going to go but we decided to in the end... so anyway... i didn't even feel like a drink, then someone handed me a flute of wine, i had a couple of mouthfuls then fed it to the plants, i just wasn't interested...then after a fair while of just hanging around and every single person surrounding me drinking i started to get the old woe is me stick in the mud thoughts...i swiftly reminded myself of all the flattering comments i'd been getting all night, and that i wouldn't have gotten those comments if i had been doing the same old stuff as before... and .... of all the other positive stuff that i achieve when not hungover / drinking i said to me self "self, you're not a stick in the mud, you rock!" and the negativity just went away and i forgot about it...

GREAT NEWS... this will crack you up... more so for the fact that i am just so HAPPY about it... most of my friends who i'm spending christmas day with are now preggers....AND THEY CANT DRINK woohooo! too easy for me :0)

so anyway.. that's enough dribble for one day! have a fantastic weekend all!

1 comment:

Bella said...

I love hanging out with my friends DURING their pregnancy - but not as much AFTER....