Wednesday, December 14, 2005

skin off my nose...

wll... you know those hurdles i was talking about jumping over... well i'm real short and not very athletic, i tripped on the first one and skinned my nose...

on Saturday i just don't know what happenned i just had this uncontollable urge to have a huge night... it came from no where... unexpected... i just had to self sabbotage!

I was just startig to make headway too and then ended up guzzling A LOT of alcohol and nurturing myself with ALOT of chocolate the next day....moron!

Anyway, i'm back up, i've dusted myself off and am back into it...i am still mad at myself but figured i just had to learn from it and figure out what it was that caused it and really get things in to perspective. So, i feel as if i certainly have learned from it that's for sure. I am back up - not running but back up nevertheless...i don't know now whether my 'idealbody' will still be achievable' but i know with certainty that unless i keep plodding a long it will still be even further away!


RaeC said...

Just remember "Step 2" from the "Overcoming the Fear of Failure" post...

Step Two: Persist. Successful people just don’t give up. They keep trying different approaches to achieving their outcomes until they finally get the results they want. Unsuccessful people try one thing that doesn’t work and then give up. Often people give up when they are on the threshold of succeeding.

Love Rae xxx

Kaddy said...

THANKS RAE! i needed to read that today!


Sekhmet said...

I'm hearing ya Kat - being another girly that luuurves to drink, I'm finding this time of year a tad tricky.... I've just decided to be really anti-social and not go to any parties hahaha! I've actually had a couple of nights this week where I've had two or three glasses of wine.... eek. Time to knock it on the head though - how is your quit smoking going (or did it go out the window with the big night?) ?

Keep on moving forward Kat - your're going great :)

B x

Kaddy said...

uhuh out the window... how u doing?
amelia sent me a cute little quit smoking it... my next thing i'm going to try is to switch to my dads brand of cigarettes... as i hate the smell, and i'm hoping by seeing the gold packet it will trigger my disgust at seeing him wildly coughing his lungs up every morning - which was what made me hate the stupid things in the first place... if i could get my hands on the girl that pressured me into having my first one because it was 'cool' and 'everyone' was doing it i'd ring her freekin neck! at 13 you're just way too impressionable! my poor lungs never had the chance to develop properly!

Sekhmet said...

I've got a friend from 6 weeks ago to blame this time around - he took me out for a drink the day after me and Ben split up and i just automatically took the smoke he offered (along with the beer), I didn't even blink.... In fact, it was him that got me started again the previous time after I'd given up for one and a half years!!!

I've been totally struggling with it again, haven't had one today though - my main focus is all the money that's going up in smoke.... If I have a pack a day - that's nearly $70 a week!!!!!!!

I just can't justify that kind of money! And when I do things, I don't do them by half.....

Kaddy said...


it is a lot huh! yep... i reckon between dan and i we'd be burning $80 a week easy on ciggies - $13 here - $13 there... soon adds up!We are both keen to trry and kick em though...i wish i'd get so sick that i couldn't smoke like i did last time i gave made it so much easier!