Thursday, December 08, 2005


I know i will sound like a big scaredy kat but sometimes i freak out that i'm not going to get the results i want. I seem to hover in the same spot on the scales... now i know thy're not a great indicator... but it's a little deflating....

i'm working as hard as i can and being as strict as i can... and i know only patience and consistancy will get me there... i'm just hoping it's enough....i just feel like i'm staying around the same size....

might go do caliper readings to check....hmmm


Sekhmet said...

I'm hearing you Kat - my scale reading has gone UP this week - I think i've hit a plateau..... I look at myself in the mirror and I still look the same, my clothes don't feel any looser and it's so easy to think why am i bothering? Patience and consistency? i know they will pay off eventually and I just have to keep thinking that i will be a more toned and slimmer version of me in four weeks - but what if I'm not??? I remember being on diets in the past (ok no exercise so granted lost weight was probably a lot of lost muscle), but the scales went down consistently one kg a week....

We just have to keep beleiving that we will and that we are going to be so much stronger and healthier for the hard work we are putting in - even if those hateful scales are giving us the answers we want!!!

Bella said...

Look at the scales - hold them with both hands - and then throw it through the window...!!!

Scales DO NOT give an accurate indication of your results - you girls know that - yes consistency & patience is the key but so is vision and goalsetting. If it were easy everyone would have a 6pack - push through the negative thoughts - I live by the motto 'if they can do it - by damn I can also' - now go outside breathe in a lung full of clean air and let it filter into your body - or pour a buket of cold water over your head!! ;-)

p.s - i love you both - being scared is one thing but being scared and fighting on is what separates you from others - you will then question why you were ever worried in the first place! xxxx

Bella said...

...if anything you should be scared of me...bwooohhahahahahaha - did that sound like a scary laugh to you?

Kaddy said...

yes you are scary... since we started this blog together you've turned me in to garfield and now into an alien on the cover of oxygen... i am afraid,,,, of what you'll do next! :-)

Sekhmet said...

Hahahaha! I'd love to throw my scales out the window - but i work with industrial sized ones (think biggest loser size scales) ;)

I'm going to keep going though, because to stop going forward is to start going backwards and when I think about it, I've lost 9kg this year and that in itself is a great acheivement for me - if I hadn't done that I'd probably still be creeping upwards in size. Sometimes it's important to look back and see what you have achieved - Kat you've lost a phenomenal 12kg so far! Just think how you would have felt back then if you could have stepped on the scales one morning and seen what you see now :) How happy would you have been? Ecstatic probably :)

My problem is that when I was 46kg I still felt fat.....(obviously I had BIG problems then) so being where I am now doesn't feel much better than where i was at the start of the year. I think my self-perception needs a good kick up the butt......