Saturday, December 10, 2005

'The Boys'

Its funny how comments from people - no matter how little - can effect your mood. Bad comments I try and just ignore - or the person gets a swift 'comment' back - but good comments - especially when the person isnt aware of the impact - can be really motivating.

Yes - I love my gym. I have a good frienship circle there - and this is why I dont ever have a problem doing my weight program. 'The boys' - as I call them (they have HUGE muscles / many tattoos and are always wearing a t-shirt with a protein powder brand on the front!!) - are training as often as I am (if not more - which is A LOT) and I really have fun with them around. Its so cool to have people training around me that are as passionate as I am about my health & fitness.

Anyway, there I was doing my lat pulldowns and one of 'the boys' stopped his reps - put his hands on his hips and said to me 'Gee - you have such great techinique - I am so proud of how you have developed with your training.' A couple of the other 'boys' stopped to agree 'Yeah - youre gonna be ripped'. I actually got butterflies in my tum! I dont ever expect to hear any of 'the boys' say this - but because they did so honestly - it meant so much to me. I ripped through my remaining weights and have been on a high ever since. Inside I smile and say 'they have seen nothing yet' - and now I am even more motivated to show them something to be really amazed at when I finish this program! ;-)

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