Ok, so you just got started on a program of walking or light cardio and some basic lifting, maybe some dumbbell work - nothing fancy. You feel better, you've lost a few pounds, you have more energy and you're confident that you're getting healthier.
But you want more... You want the results to come faster.
You want to look in the mirror and really
SEE the difference.
You want other people to see the difference too.
You want more than "a little tone." Maybe you want a nice hard chiseled six-pack with a small waist, or maybe streamlined, muscular thighs.
Arms like Madonna perhaps? A Brad Pitt "Fight Club" body maybe? Nothing too crazy - not a miss fitness Olympia body or the massive bulk of a Mr. Universe - but definitely better than average.
Well, if you're prepared to
STEP UP to the next level and pay the price necessary to reach the next rung on the ladder, here's how you do it: The answer is very, very simple. As you leave the novice stage behind, it's time to start
WORKING HARDER!! - THATS IT!!Were you expecting something more esoteric? Some secret Bulgarian periodization program and thermogenic - anabolic supplement stack? Sorry, but the secret is that there is no secret. A great body all boils down to outright effort and hard work.
Not counting the "genetic freaks" who seem to have been born with muscles and zero fat, there's one thing that all people with great bodies have in common: they all work
HARD, HARD, HARD, HARD, HARD!If you want to ascend beyond the lowly beginner level you simply have to push yourself harder. And that means
DIS-COMFORT. When you're pushing yourself out of the comfort zone, it hurts. Frankly, sometimes it sucks!
But outside the comfort zone is where you grow. Staying inside the comfort zone will only maintain you at best but usually it sends you plummeting into a downward spiral.
Most people retreat into the confines of their comfort zone the second the effort gets difficult. The comfort zone is a very dangerous place because if you slide back into the comfort zone even once, then it starts becoming a habit.
First, it's stopping just a few minutes short on your cardio or coasting on level 5 when you could be doing level 6. You stop at 8 reps, when you had 11 in you. Then you start blowing off workouts completely. Pretty soon, you're sliding back in other areas of your life; you slide back from making those sales calls; you slide back from spending quality time with your family, you slide back from saving money and watching your finances. You become....
You can either be a backslider or you can be an
ACHIEVER but you can't be both and you can't "hang out" in between - it's one or the other. Although you might think you're safe just "maintaining" in the comfort zone, unbeknownst to you, you are always in motion in either a forward or a backward direction. There's no such thing as standing still; ask any physicist - everything in the universe is always in motion...vibrating... growing or dying.
The ACHIEVER is the person who is aware that to "stand still inside the comfort zone" is akin to dying, so he or she is ALWAYS MOVING FORWARD. The only way to move forward is with hard work and effort in the direction of a specific goal.