Thursday, April 20, 2006

Sugar Sux

Ok - so today is FREEZING - whoah - all heaters in my home have increase their temp by at least 10C. I am one of those people who turns the heat up to a point where I can wear summer clothes indoors even though my plants die from extreme heater air... than sit around in layers of jumpers, have a red cold nose and chilly blue fingers....ha! You should see me when I arrive at the gym! LOL UGG boots, jumper, zip hoodie, scarf and beanie - all in pink/baby blue colours - I look like a freakin snow bunny! But because I am quite scruffy - my scarf has 2 pom poms missing from one side - by UGGS are supposed to be light beige but are almost dark brown from all the puddles I step in - my jumper has little holes in it where I accidentally cut it whilst wrapping presents - my beanie is handmade and full of lint balls and my zip hoodie has a broken zip. Snow Bunny meets Street Bunny...!

I was pretty excited to receive my new program this week! I hardly have any legs - have been told to concentrate on my upper body for now - which is fine by me!! I am really focusing on my weight sessions - visualising my muscles during every rep and making sure I dont prolong my supersets (normally because someone wants to talk to me!!!) On the subject of people speaking to me while Im working out...ok, so it is a little frustrating - particularly when its someone who couldnt give a shit that maybe you are trying to focus - but I do love my chats with 'Da Boyz' of the gym (who love their weight training more than their girlfriends *ahem*)...and I thought I was obsessed!!

My nutrition is going well. I have written out my daily plan and have stopped all my 'picking this - oh just a little taste of that' - so many things make up so many calories! So my day will look a little something like this:

wake up & immediately consume coffee

- breakfast
- coffee
- snack
- coffee
- lunch
- green tea
- vitamin
- snack
- green tea
- dinner A
- dandelion tea
- dinner B

Obviously 2+ litres of water will be in there also. And I have added on the coffee/herbal teas so I keep track with how much soy milk I am drinking - and to encourage me to drink more green tea to aid digestion. Apparently Mint is good for metabolism - so may give that a try. My 'problem minutes' is sometimes from 1 - 3pm - dammit - so I will cut up some celery to munch on during this time. This is the time of day where I get quite tired and if I cant have a power nap I need to combat the 'I need sugar to pull me through' type of thinking!

Pure Sugar = Pure Evil !!

Hey - also beat my sore throat! I have a website I like to refer to during times of my body falling apart - I love the healing kitchen section - Lia you will like this website ;-) x Whole Health MD


Kaddy said...

street bunny lol;...with ATTITUDE!! so like the site??? havent finished yet... still got lots to do...but am treading carefully :)

Jehanne said...

hehe, can you take a pic of this street bunny for me, and post it, lol sounds hilarious!
I am the same as you with the heater. I have things so toasty that its comfy sitting in my underwear in the middle of winter. Everyone knows not to wear too much clothing when visiting us!

Jehanne said...

By the way, how the heck do I put a ticker thing on my blog?

Miss Positive said...

Hey Street Bunny you sound like a treat! I agree with Jeh, I think we need a photo of this outfit!

I'm not too keen on cold weather either... our house has timber floors with little cracks in them (its the LAST job on our renovation list) so we rug up in ugg boots and layers of jumpers. We sit in front of the kerosine heater in winter too (mind you it doesn't really get super freezing here)

Your nutrition plan looks good! I love green tea too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link, I'm checking it now actually Bella. ;o)

Lia xx