Sunday, October 23, 2005


Hey all,

Well....coming in to the FINAL week, how exciting! I am so stoked i have signed up for another program because time is really starting to lag here. Now that we've made our decision to leave I just wanna go! Alas, we can't, we still have to SAVE heaps more money before we go anywhere!

Anyhow, i figure being on another program will help the time fly by, if the passed 12 weeks have been anythig to go by.

I have started doing research in to uni's and degrees etc I am suddenly being driven towards completing a sports/health science degree majoring in nutrition, I have found a really good course at the Southern Cross uni, it'll be interesting to see where in fact we end up. However unsure i may be of that, i am totally sure that i have found my niche and now really want to go ahead and start studying, however it will still be a little while down the track.... hohum would LOVE to start next year! I have to go for mature age entry before I can do anything anyway, and the science componets of such a degree are huge. I imagine it would be a lot like high school, learning a lot of stuff you don't really need to know... a means to an end. I can't remember being very strong at science at school, im not that much of a logical thinker, however i know i am totally capable of achieving whatever i put my mind to.

The problem i am faced with, is finding somewhere we would like to live for the duration of my studies, where Dan could happily fish his days away... an area that is not too over populated... so cities are out... i've looked in to the Darwin courses however they don't really seem to meet my requirements, i'm about to start looking at the QLD uni's, at least that way i'll have a bit of an idea of where may be a nice place to end up. If anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated!

okies, will check in tomorrow, i hope everyone is doing well.


Sekhmet said...

Hi Kat,

The ACNM have a few correspondance courses in Health Science (Bsc in Nutritional medicine). It's more geared towards treating disease/improving health through nutrition than food for weight loss though. Fitnation do a correspondance course for sports (I did my Cert III fitness at TAFE but am doing my Cert IV Personal Training through Fitnation). Other than that, there aren't really any distance ed. nutrition courses. I've been looking into it for ages as I manage a weightloss clinic and would love to start up a business with nutrition/fitness in mind. The cert IV has a nutrition component geared towards sports and weight management.

It's so good when you find something you're passionate about :) Good luck!

Kaddy said...

thanks heaps Beki, will have to look into it more.

Your job sounds wicked! do u enjoy it??

Sekhmet said...

The good times are great - you get a fantastic feeling from helping people, but the bad times are very frustrating - people (obviously) take their weight very seriously and tend to blame you personally if they aren't losing. It can be quite stressfull and you can't help everyone even though you want to). I want to branch out on my own eventually as my role is kinda restrictive in what i can advise people to do (i.e. if it's not on the program I can't advise it - even if I know it will help - not that it stops me :) )

Isn't ironic that I manage a weightloss clinic but can't manage my own weight??? I actually put on about 6kg when I started working there for various reasons.....