Thursday, October 20, 2005



Sigh ~ i am so frustrated. I just want to quit smoking so badly, i know it sounds like it's an easy thing to do because it's so stupid, but i try and fail and try and fail... it's really stressing me out, which is making me smoke twice as much!!

Plan of attack!
1. Give up coffee- I think the ciggies and coffee are going hand in hand, it wouldn't suprise me if most of my cravings were actually caffeine cravings and not cigarettes at all! Replace with green tea... as it is supposed to be SO AMAZING!

2. Keep reading motivational stuff

3. Get on top of cardio - i have been avoiding cardio as i've been so tired. Done it every morning this week, but haven't done anything at night! Missed this morning as i was just being plain lazy... have to be honest (did my weights though)

i'm of to read about about caffeine now... will be back in full force tomorrow.


Sekhmet said...

I know it's hard, but try not to let it bug you - just remind yourself that YOU are in control, not the other way around :) And don't beat yourself up if you give in, it happens :)

I meant to ask you about your photos - are you hiring someone to do them for you???

Bella said...

hey kat - tell me how things are going in your last week...

Kaddy said...

no, i live in a tiny town, so don't have the luxury of having professional shots done. So one of my close friends is going to do them for me on Mon 31st. I officially finish 12am Mon 31 lol! We're going to go out and have our own photo shoot, then go sit up at the light house and have a glass of wine whilst we watch the sunset aggghhh sounds nice hey! A congratulations to me celebration... i did it!!! YAAAAY

i actually have a friend coming to visit next week, but i prepared her... told her in advance that i will be working out HARD etc etc so now i have to otherwise she'll think i'm a loser lol!

will keep u posted bella!

Sekhmet said...

Hmmm, not sure what is going on with blogspot, but I posted a comment on your most recent post and it says "0 comments" - yet it is clearly there when you go to the link.....