Thursday, August 11, 2005

Oh my god, I am back with vengeance I actually started to cry on Day 1 with sheer relief, it was like thank god I am back here, I love this so much! Imagine me, jogging away on my treadmill have a sissy fit…thinking of it cracks me up, unbelievable that people can lOve something so much but still not continue with it….hmm now I think the sky’s the limits! New mantra: “the only six pack I’m interested in is the one on my stomache”! I tell myself that everytime I’m around drinkers, and I can honestly say I don’t find it hard (yet) to restrain myself!

I’m thinking about booking my after pics ahead – figure it will be an extra thing to keep me on track if I book my flights and photos in advance (I know not even I would just go and blow that kinda money ) .

So - is this life hard - hmmmm well, it does get a little bit trying watching Dan eat heaps of yummy food, but I am actually starting to feel the difference in me, knowing what i am doing is working is enough to steer me away from temptation. I just keep visualising myself jogging down the road with noticeable abs.... wouldn't tha tbe enough to keep you eating clean!? after all i now think of food as a way of fuelling my body... and with all the exercise i'm doing i need as much good fuel as possible.

Special note:! I have been going to bed really early and eating really cleanly and my energy levels have sky rocketed@! REST is soooo important!


Kaddy said...

testing if comments section works

Sue Heintze said...

Hi Kat! Good to see it's going well, keep it up. Good for you posting the pics.

Kaddy said...

it's been strange working this blogger stuff out... but i like things bright and colourful. With the pics, i figured the more i see them the more motivated i'll be!