Friday, August 12, 2005


It's Friday night - the derby is on, the dockers are playing the Eagles! This evewnt is absolutely HUGE in WA.

I haven't drank all week! I am tonguing for an ICE COLD BEER!!!! I am sittinghere trying to rationalise it all with i have a couple of drinks tonight knowing full well that if i do there goes the couple of drinks i am allowed to replace a FREE meal with - hmmm decisions. Then i can't decide whether i should just totally refrain from alcohol as i KNOW i will not achieve the results i desire if i give in at social occassions. Hmmm....the plan was to have my "FREE DRINKS" tomorrow night as I have a day off workouts on SUnday... hmmm i can't work out why it bothers me so much, i haven't wanted a drink ALL week, i'm afraid if i give in tonight i might be setting myself for more bad habits............Aggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh HEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPP . (slap myself and get a grip) ok, rationally i can have one or two drinks tonight bt then that's it. I think i can deal with that - just wish i could be positive! going to go look at some inspirational photos to keep me in line!

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