Monday, November 21, 2005

Day 1 of the rest of my life

Hello fellow IBO'ers

Well, the weekend was intersting. Probably won't bother confessing... becuase i don't feel guilty... and i probably won't bother about confessing todays sins either.... because i really can't be bothered with that either.....

so, i'll just say, for weeks Dan and i have been working towards kicking the stinking filthy smoking habit....we planned to quit yesterday for a LONG time...and guess what... we actually stuck to the plan... and i am 1000% confident, bevuase we have both dedicated a lot of time towards quitting....come up with strategies etc.... it's a little bit overwhelming actually...i've comfort eatne a fair bit this's taken the edge off... and i'm pleased to say i've refrained from ripping someones head off :-) .... besides the eating some bad stuff i feel really good, actually nervous and excited because i feel as if this is finally it, i'm finally doing what i really want to do...... i can't wait til my lungs have recovered.... bring on the LONG runs.... yay!


Bella said...

proud of you kat - youre sounding very sure of your decisions - stay in control and chose the direction you want to go - as long as the path is a healthy one!!

i have had to go over my goals the last couple of days - its amazing when i am really tired i just 'default ' into crap thoughts and eating patterns. have added another coffee to my day (now 3) but am drinking more water also - i swear, by 11pm i look like a rabbit in headlights!

come chat on the forum - you need to keep up with my posts! will email you later x

PartTimeMom said...

awsome job! what a big step you've made - good for you!